Monday, April 19, 2010

This is what LIM KIT SING means :) ... Written by a friend of mine long ago to make me happy...

L -- Lame on MSN ( it's the truth, you asked for it)

I -- I think Charmaine's a very nice girl. (yes, I know that's what you always wanted to say)

M -- Melancholic mood most of the time. ( come on, put on that pinky cheeks I have)

K -- Kesejahteraan sahabat-sahabatnya is his main priority.

I --

T -- Tranquility (forever calm lah you)

S -- Singing partner

I -- Infatuated by his favourite phones. (You change more phones than I change bfs.)

N -- Never said NO to me so far

G -- Get back every weekend, will you??!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why I Do Not Blog Often Nowadays?

This is a question that brings out one's ability or skill of making excuses. However, even though the reasons are plainly excuses, it doesn't mean that one just makes them up in order to avoid something he enjoys doing - that is writing.

First and foremost, my laziness scale has hit all time sky high in recent weeks, following the everyday scorching hot weather. For this week itself, I have a moral presentation to be done, a case study to be amended after being checked by the lecturer, a beta briefing to attend and houses to visit and inspect.

Now I'm not complaining life is being unfair to me because I had my time but I didn't manage them in such a way that it'll minimise last minute work and stress. However, to get things done at eleventh hour has always been my way of doing things. In fact, for a lot of Malaysians, who're as not organised as I'm, do things this way too - get the task description in week one and start procrastinate until the week of the due date. It's just not Malaysian enough to get things done so early. It probably makes me feel too empty for the rest of the days since everything is already done.

Stupid, right? But stupid is as stupid does. Lol. Anyway, this habit shouldn't stick to us until we're old and almost dead. If all your life, the most that you've done is to procrastinate all the time, then I believe when you're on your deathbed, you might recall the things that you could've done and accomplished should you have not been lazing around and procrastinating.

Or probably you might just want to procrastinate dying then.

Stop procrastination - it kills.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Even in laughter the heart may sorrow,
And the end of mirth may be grief.