Thursday, September 10, 2009

I see it in my mind

how the things of the past flash swiftly across the lids of my eyes

like blurring images they are, accelarating

I feel myself floating in a pool

of neither air nor water

but of a tender force of the memories of the past

the pictures have a mind of their own

with intention they swift past my eyes knowing I would take notice

of the stories they want to tell

of the deadly truth they want to reveal

their whispers disturb the air

making it dense with a nameless fear

sweat covers my skin and dampens my clothes

it was not long until I come to realise

my past had caught up with me

the horn of war is soon to be sounded

the banners of anger are soon to be raised

the weapon of the enemy is at hand

time cannot be stopped

i must face it

with the sword in my hand

and the shield on another

because there is no turning back

no turning back

on this road I am running on

where bushes are its guardians, as tall as the statues of my past

the road consumes me

little by little the dark night claims its rule

portion by portion it claims victory

over my life

and over all

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